How to Follow Up on a Job Application
It takes time and energy to scour the web for the latest job openings. After you complete your job application and hit submit you may believe that your work is done until you hear back from the employer.
While not mandatory you should always follow up on a job application if you truly want the new opportunity. Following up after you submit an application shows that you are not only interested but driven to do what it takes to become the newest hire of the company.
Following up with an employer helps you stand out from a long list of candidates. However, you need to understand when is a suitable time to contact an employer as well as what to say.
Following Up After You Submit a Job Application
Congratulations, you just submitted a resume (resume checklist) and job application to your dream job. Now, what do you do?
First, never contact the organization immediately after you submit an application. It comes across more as annoying than anything. Instead, it is recommended that you wait for one to two weeks before the follow-up.
Therefore, you are going to have to exercise patience and wait.
While it is frustrating, you don’t want to get ahead of yourself. Please make sure you give the hiring manager time to review your application. Once a week passes without any word from the employer you may begin to consider a follow-up.
Human resource managers that recently participated in a survey admitted that they prefer job candidates wait between one to two weeks before they follow up (43 percent) while other managers prefer between two to three weeks (30 percent).
Nonetheless, following up on a job application is vital if you truly want the gig. All it takes is a quick phone call or email to inform the company that you have an interest.
Ways to Contact an Employer
Once two weeks pass it’s a good time to send a friendly follow-up response to an organization. Job applicants have a few different options for contacting an employer:
- Letter Correspondence
- Email Follow Up
- Follow Up Phone Call
There are three primary methods for connecting with a hiring manager at the company. Sending a letter via standard mail is slightly dated yet still an avenue you may pursue.
However, most hiring managers prefer either an email or phone call. Email correspondence is a little less personal yet not as invasive. If the email is professionally written it will help you stand out in a pool of qualified candidates.
On the other hand, phone calls are more invasive yet allow you to get your voice heard. If you have an opportunity to speak with the hiring manager or supervisor you’ll work under, it’s a phenomenal opportunity yet you want to make sure you don’t exhaust too much of their time.
Consequently, whether you follow up by mail, phone, or email, make sure that you keep the conversation professional and concise. It’s important to make your message brief and to the point. Also, try calling later in the day when the employee likely completed most of their tasks for the day and is more available to talk.
Related: When You Should Expect To Hear Back After Applying For A Job
Sending an Email
If you don’t hear from a hiring manager within two weeks it’s time to consider a follow-up email. Employers and job recruiters typically prefer email over a phone call. It allows the hiring manager to respond in a time that is convenient for them.
When sending an email make sure that you include the title of the position you applied for in the subject line. Also, address the hiring manager or supervisor by name to show you did your homework.
Follow these principles when drafting the professional email:
- Keep it brief and concise.
- Reiterate your interest in the position.
- Remind the employer of your top qualifications.
- Express your gratitude for being considered.
You should conclude the email like a formal letter. Therefore, make sure it has your signature as well as a final thank you for their consideration.
Making a Phone Call
Some prospective candidates prefer to correspond by telephone. There is nothing wrong with this approach but you may need to exercise additional patience to hear back from human resources. As a result, try calling either early or later in the day to avoid meetings or other conflicts.
Secondly, handle yourself professionally over the phone. You need to make sure you thank the individual for their time and keep the conversation short and to the point.
If you do not get a hold of anyone, it’s okay to leave a message along with your contact number. You can also mention that you are happy to clarify any information that exists on your resume. It’s also okay to ask a couple of follow up questions but keep in mind you’ll also have this opportunity if you get selected for an interview.
Keep in mind that a follow-up by phone has the potential to both improve as well as harm your chances of getting hired. Therefore, it’s not a bad idea to rehearse the conversation before dialing the digits.
It’s important to follow up after you submit a job application, however, make sure you wait 1-2 weeks before contacting the hiring manager.
Job applicants have the choice between sending a letter, making a phone call, or email correspondence. You should keep the message short and professional. It’s always prudent to thank human resources for their time and continue to remain patient.
While the time between submitting a resume and getting a call for a job interview is aggravating, it’s all part of the hiring process. Following up after sending a job application can improve or hurt your chances so make sure the message is well thought out.
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