how to change careers

How to Change Careers When You Don’t Know What to Do

Have you ever felt lost in a career? Are you prepared to make a shift in your job, but are unsure of your options or where to begin? If so, this article is right for you. It will help you raise the likelihood of landing a job you enjoy.

Remember that the career path is not an easy journey. This is especially true if you have no idea where to start and what to do. Making such changes can be a big challenge for those with no experience. If you’re one of those career changers who don’t know what to do, be sure to read the following tips. Whether you want to make this change to boost your earning potential or reduce workplace stress, these tips will help you find a career that is a good fit and navigate the process.

Things You Need to Know Before Changing Careers

Before delving into career-changing tips, there are some things you need to know in advance to avoid getting stuck in the “mud.” No matter if you intend to start, advance, or change your career path, you should first get familiar with obstacles on your way.

Here are 3 main challenges that you are going to encounter along the way.

1. The first and the biggest obstacle you will come up against is you

Maybe this sounds paradoxical, but most people who plan to make career changes need to fight themselves first. We are talking about people who don’t know what to do but know that they want to make a shift in their job.

Do you find this to be the case as well? Don’t worry, you are not alone. Many people encounter this challenge regardless of their age.

Is 30 too old to change careers? No, it isn’t. Even if you are in your 40s or 50s, you may still make a big career transition before reaching 60 or 70.

Many employees feel numb or uninspired by the meaningless job tasks they do on a daily basis. Although that makes them despair about their job, those desperate people are still stuck at their workplace because they are unsure of what else they want to do.

Many of them are scared of starting a new career path. Some are scared of losing their hard-earned status, while others are afraid of accepting a pay reduction. You may be afraid of what your friends and family would think.

Just because your sense of identity is tied to one path doesn’t mean you can’t have perspective on others. Once you expand the field of view, you will be surprised how much exists off your radar screen.

These obstacles are in your head, not in the world that surrounds you. It is only about you. What holds you back is your fears and/or lack of knowledge. Don’t be scared of changing your work perspective!

2. You have a hard time figuring it out

Some workers are paid to interact with other companies or coworkers, while others are paid to solve problems and think. No matter what you are paid for, try to figure out what else you can do.

Even after scouring the internet for helpful guidance, reading different career-change books, and doing various profiling tests, you may still have difficulty figuring it out. If you want to have a clear idea of what to do, you need to do more analysis..

To come up with the right answers and solutions for your career change, you should read more books, make more lists, and take more tests – of course, the relevant ones. Then take your time to figure it all out.

Stay current. Read industry blogs, join professional associations, and subscribe to newsletters to stay up-to-date with trends. Consider informational interviews as well. They can increase your chances of getting yourself noticed.

Most employers prefer to work with someone they know, either through their networks or personally. Building relationships in your field may help you get your dream position.

If you prefer staying in your current job over changing careers, then think of tackling extra projects. Many sustainability students, for example, offer to do extra work in their employment as volunteers.

3. Looking for a job won’t get you one

How to make a career change with no experience? Many people hope they will get a job interview right after sending off their CVs in a few different fields. The majority of them end up unnoticed.

When starting to search for a job, the first ports of call for most job seekers are recruitment consultants. They can help employees familiarize themselves with positions in certain organizations or roles with the main competitors.

On the other hand, many employers hire employee leasing companies to streamline the employment process. While these professionals are unquestionably of great help during the hiring process, it’s only you who should find the best solution.

Job alerts and job search sites are all parts of traditional job markets. They are designed for people with the necessary skills or experience. That’s not a place for individuals looking to make a drastic career transition. So, look for people and stop looking for a job in these places.

It won’t help you change careers. You will not measure up to others who have skills and experience in the sectors you are interested in. There are a huge number of experts in various fields on these sites. It’s not your fault after all.

Tips on How to Change Careers

What actions should you take next? Now that you know what challenges and obstacles are going to be on your way, you need to know what to do next. Most likely, the solutions aren’t what you’d have thought.

If your job isn’t fulfilling and you are at a loss for what to do, take the following steps. Here are a few tips for changing careers.

1. Perform a self-assessment first

Assess your interests and strengths. Identify the areas you are passionate about and where your natural strengths lie. This will help guide you toward a career you’ll enjoy and excel in.

This is the very first thing you need to do. Try to figure out what you dislike and like (or appreciate at least) about your current job before leaving it. The goal is to identify new career opportunities, especially the ones that suit your interests and skills.

Before exploring different career options, there are many questions to ask yourself, including:

  • How do your priorities relate to money? Is it your top priority?
  • What motivates you to get out of bed in the morning and go to work? Do you really feel good about where you are going?
  • Where can you leverage your knowledge and skills in a new direction?
  • What about your demands in terms of coworkers, collaboration, and work environment?

Related: Career assessment meaning

While it’s best to perform assessments with the help of professionals, there are many tools available. Take advantage of these self-assessment tools to identify new fields or areas you are passionate about. That will also help you apply your existing talents and skills to new directions.

2. Develop new skills for a new career

Developing new skills for a new career is an exciting process! Explore various industries and roles that align with your interests and skills. Identify the qualifications, experience, and skill sets required for these positions.

After finding a career that aligns with your interests, work on developing the skills necessary for success. This is an important step in the career-changing process that many people overlook. Without these skills, you will not succeed. Do not apply for new jobs beforehand.

Focus on high-demand skills. Depending on the industry you’re aiming for, certain skills may be in high demand. Additionally, you may consider acquiring technical skills. Today, there are plenty of online courses, workshops, and boot camps. They are great for gaining hands-on experience.

Aside from that, you may also need to develop soft skills. Communication, problem-solving, teamwork, and adaptability are crucial in almost every job. These can be enhanced through:

  • Public speaking courses
  • Leadership development programs
  • Collaboration tools

3. Gain experience while making connections at the same time

Whichever field you decide on, you’ll need to find out how to transition into a new line of work. Volunteer? Are you going to intern? Looking for a part-time or full-time job? In any case, you need to gain experience and make connections. Don’t do it alone. Connect with others instead.

Once you put others — career coaches as well as people in and out of your company — around you, you’ll start making progress. Make different connections. Meet different kinds of people with different ideas. While moving forward, your journey will be safer and faster with them.

Attend industry-specific events (conferences, webinars) and join LinkedIn groups to connect with professionals in your target field. Consider finding a mentor or career coach to guide you through the transition.

Gain practical experience. Look for internships, freelance projects, or volunteer work to get hands-on experience. Shadow professionals in your desired field to gain insight into day-to-day responsibilities.

4. Ask for support during this process

Building a great career alone isnćt possible. Look for empowered and inspiring people who will make you stay energized and motivated during this process. They can also help you explore new directions in your career.

In addition to mentors, you also need influential “ambassadors” and “sponsors.” Why are these people important in your life? They can not only give you useful tips on what to do when changing careers. Besides, they have connections and influence to open new doors for you.

That said, it is always a good idea to work with a supporter, accountability buddy, or mentor who will help you develop a pivot or plan for exploring new careers. It takes dedication and time. However, nothing will change if you don’t start down the path of exploration.

But how can you find them? Ask yourself: Who could be a good coaching buddy or mentor for me while I go through this process?

Speak with a few close friends or coworkers who are passionate about their work and who have made courageous and significant progress to get there. After sharing what you want to do, ask if they are willing to give you some informal mentoring.

5. Address your confidence and power gaps

Last but not least, you should stretch beyond who you’re today to have a more rewarding and happier career and life tomorrow. Try to identify your confidence gaps and weak points.

It takes self-confidence and bravery to behave in a manner that’s going to pave the way for future fulfillment and joy. But if you want to engage in your self-growth, you must close your power gaps first. Otherwise, your career changes are not likely to bring you success and joy.

Recent research shows that 98% of professionals have one or more power gaps. Even 75% of them face a gap called “Losing Sight Of Their Life Dream.” What does this gap describe?

Many professionals have a thrilling vision of their work and life when they just start out. They later lose that dream while seeking financial gain and success during their career. That takes them away from what they really want in their life. Don’t be one of those people!

Final Thoughts

Don’t remain in a state of immobility and bewilderment. Go on a new professional journey and get moving. Once you have a clear idea of what you want to do, consider these tips to make it more rewarding and successful.

Changing careers can be a rewarding yet challenging journey, requiring careful planning and self-reflection. It’s important to assess your skills, passions, and interests to align them with your new career goals.

Seeking additional education or training can help bridge power and knowledge gaps, making the transition smoother. Networking with professionals in your desired field can open doors and provide valuable insights. It’s a key to successfully navigating a career change.



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